'After the Flood: Artists Fill Amsterdam Gallery with Wet Clay, Establish Safety Fund', text by John Chiaverina on 'Two In A Coffin'
Valentina Curandi & Isabelle Sully
‘Two In A Coffin’
7.9.2019 - 6.10.2019
Supported by AFK (Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst)
Many thanks to Galerie AKINCI, Leon Filter, Yin Yin Wong, Jan Herbst, Adeline van Lier, Kate Olson, Matt Hinkley, Nathaniel Katz, Vincent Knopper, Elki Boerdam, Marek van de Watering, Chun-Han Chiang and Dieuwertje Hehewerth.
Photos by Chun-Han Chiang
courtesy of Marwan and the artists.
Take me back to www.marwanmarwan.com
'I have passed on your proposal, or question, concerning the flooding of the project space with slip. We have talked about it, let it sink in, and talked some more. We would like for it to happen, on the condition that it happens safely for you, us and anyone entering the space. We have to think electricity, water damage and lasting stains. Also slip danger, and as discussed, the necessity to access the boiler.'
Drawing its name from the history of the hospitalisation of childbirth—where, when confronted with an exponential increase in the number of deaths during birth and in order to cover up this institutional unpreparedness and negligence, hospitals began burying women in pairs—Two In A Coffin is a two-person exhibition by Valentina Curandi and Isabelle Sully that steams from the artists’ differing approaches to the effects of standardisation on both the gendered body and artistic production. In occupying the confined space of Marwan together, and through scoring a narrative around the administration of life and the management of death, a number of site-specific sound, text and performative works will be presented that concentrate on issues of safety, expression and policy as they relate to the protection of property.